Several reports have been issued. If you are interested, please contact Therese Gard.
List of papers related to the work within the Task Force
Papers year 1995-2000
- Dershowitz W.; Hermanson J.; Follin S. and Mauldon M. 2000. Fracture Intensity Measures in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D at Aspo, Sweden. Proc. of Pacific Rocks 2000.
- Dershowitz W.; Uchida M.; Doe TW. and Takeuchi S. 2000. Conceptual Model for Flow and Transport in a 50 Meter Scale Fractured Rock Block.
- Dershowitz W.; Uchida M. and Eiben T. 1997. Discrete Feature Analysis of a 50 m Scale Tracer Experiment, AGU Fall meeting, 1997.
- Doe TW.; Shuttle DA;. Dershowitz WS;. Fox AL. and Uchida M. 2000. Analysis of Tracer Experiments in Fractured Rock Using Discrete Fracture Network Approaches.
- Gylling B.; Moreno L.; and Neretnieks I. 1995. Transport of solute in fractured media, based on a channel network model.
In Proceedings of Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection Conference, Eds K. Kovar and J. Krasny, 107-113, Prague May 14-19, 1995. - Gylling B.; Moreno L.; Neretnieks I. and Birgersson L. 1997. Analysis of a long-term pumping and tracer test using the Channel Network model. Submitted to Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.
- Gylling B.; Moreno L.; and Neretnieks I.; 1999. The Channel Network model – A tool for transport simulations in fractured media. Ground Water, 37, pp 367-375.
- Moreno L., Gylling B., and Neretnieks I. Solute transport in fractured media – The important mechanisms for performance assessment. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 25, pp. 283-298, 1997.
Papers year 2001-2005
- Altman SJ.; Uchida M.; Tidwell VC.; Boney CM. and Chambers BP. 2004. Use of X-ray absorption imaging to examine heterogeneous diffusion in fractured crystalline rocks. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2004 – Elsevier.
- Cheng H., Cvetkovic V., Selroos J-O. 2003. Hydrodynamic control of tracer retention in heterogeneous rock fractures, Water Resources Reseach, Volume 39, Issue 5, DOI: 10.1029/2006WR005278.
- Dershowitz W.; La Pointe PR.; Doe TW. GA Inc. 2004. Advances in Discrete Fracture Network Modeling. Proceedings of the US EPA/NGWA Fractured Rock Conference, 2004 –
- Juanes, R.; Samper, J. and Molinero, J. 2002. A general and efficient formulation of fractures and boundary conditions in the finite element method. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 54, 1751-1774. ISSN: 0029-5981.
- Masahiro U.; Dershowitz W.; Metcalfe R.; Shuttle D.; Cave M. and Takeuchi S. 2001. Integrating groundwater flow and geochemistry. An example of Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden.
- McKenna, S.A. and Selroos J.-O. 2004. Constraining Performance Assessment Models with Tracer Test Results: A Comparison of Two Conceptual Models. Hydrogeology Journal, 12 (3), pp. 243-256, DOI: 10.1007/s10040-004-0336-2
- Molinero, J.; Samper, J. and Juanes, R. 2002. Numerical Modeling of the Transient Hydrogeological Response Produced by Tunnel Construction in Fractured Bedrocks. Engineering geology, 64, 369-386. ISSN: 0013-7952.
- Molinero, J. and Samper, J. 2004. Modeling Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in Fracture Zones: Conceptual and numerical models of the Redox Zone Experiment at Äspö (Sweden). JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, 42, 157-172. ISSN: 0022 1686.
- Molinero, J.; Samper, J.; Yang, C.B. and Zhang, G. 2004. Biogeochemical Reactive Transport Model of The Redox Zone Experiment Of The Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden). NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, 148, 151-165.
- Yoshizoe M. and Dershowitz W. 2001. Fracture Network Modeling and Performance Assessment Support.
- Yuji I.; Akihito H.; Ken’ichi H. and Atsushi S. 2004. Study on uncertainties of radionuclide migration parameter values obtained from In-Situ Tracer
Papers year 2006-2010
- Blessent, D., Therrien R., Lemieux J.-M. 2010. Modelling of hydraulic tests within fractured crystalline rock based on a Markov-chain transition-probability geostatistical approach, in 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting.
- Cheng H.; Cvetkovic V.; Winberg A. and Dershowitz W. 2006. Estimating Retention Properties of Components of a Block Scale Fracture Network – an Example from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006,
- Cvetkovic V., Cheng H. 2008. Sorbing tracer experiments in a crystalline rock fracture at Äspö (Sweden): 3. Effect of microscale heterogeneity, Water Resources Research, Volume 44, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1029/2007WR006797.
- Cvetkovic V., Cheng H., Byegård J., Winberg A., Tullborg E-L., Widestrand H. 2010. Transport and retention from single to multiple fractures in crystalline rock at Äspö (Sweden): 1. Evaluation of tracer test results and sensitivity analysis, Water Resources Research, Volume 46, Issue 5 DOI: 10.1029/2009WR008013
- Cvetkovic V., Cheng H., Widestrand H., Byegård J., Winberg A., Andersson P. 2007. Sorbing tracer experiments in a crystalline rock fracture at Äspö (Sweden):2. Transport model and effective parameter estimation, water Resources Research, Volume 43, Issue 11, DOI: 10.1029/2006WR005278.
- Dershowitz W.; Uchida M.; and Fox A. 2006. Constraining Long Term Solute Transport and Retention Behavior in Fractured Rocks Using Tracer. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006.
- Graf T.; and Therrien R, 2007. A method to discretize non-planar fractures for 3D subsurface flow and transport simulations.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, accepted for publication July 2007. - Grenier C.; Bernard-Michel G.; Benabderrahmane H. 2009. Evaluation of retention properties of a semi-synthetic fractured block from modelling at performance assessment time scales (Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden). Hydrogeology Journal, published in January 2009.
- Gustafson G.; Gylling B.; Selroos J-O. 2009. The Äspö Task Force on groundwater flow and transport of solutes: bridging the gap between site characterization and performance assessment for radioactive waste disposal in fractured rocks. Hydrogeology Journal, published in January 2009.
- Hodgkinson D.; Benabderrahmane H.; Elert M.; Hautojärvi A.; Selroos J-O.;Tanaka Y. and Uchida M. 2009. An overview of Task 6 of the Äspö task Force: modelling groundwater and solute transport: improved understanding of radionuclide transport in fractured rock. Hydrogeology Journal, published in January 2009.
- Ji S., Ko N., Koh Y., Choi J. 2010. The influence of boreholes on the regional scale groundwater flow in a fractured rock, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, -1, 1074.
- Masahiro U.; Dershowitz W.; Lee G. and Shuttle D. 2009. An empirical probabilistic approach for constraining the uncertainty of long-term solute transport predictions in fractured rock using in situ tracer experiments. Hydrogeology Journal, published in January 2009.
- Molinero, J. and Samper, J. 2006. Large-Scale Modeling of Reactive Solute Transport in Fracture Zones of Granitic Bedrocks. JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY, 82, 293-318. ISSN: 0169-7722.
Poteri A. 2009. Retention properties of flow paths in fractured rock. Hydrogeologi Journal, published in January 2009. - Poteri A.; Cvetkovic V.; Dershowitz W.; Billaux D. and Winberg A. 2006. Illustration of Uncertainties in Assessments of Flow and Transport in a Block Scale Fracture Network – an Example from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden.
American Geophysical Union, Fall 2006
Papers year 2011-2015
- Blessent, D., Therrien R., Lemieux J.-M. 2011. Inverse modeling of hydraulic tests in fractured crystalline rock based on a transition probability geostatistical approach, Water Resources Research, 47(12), n/a–n/a, doi:10.1029/2011WR011037
- Blessent, D., Therrien R., Gable C.W. 2011. Large-scale numerical simulation of groundwater flow and solute transport in discretely-fractured crystalline bedrock, Advances in Water Resources, 34(12), 1552–1539, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.09.008
- Cvetkovic V., Cheng H. 2011. Evaluation of single-well injection-withdrawal tests in Swedish crystalline rock using the Lagrangian travel time approach, Water Resources Research, Volume 47, Issue 2, DOI: 10.1029/2010WR009627
- Dessirier, B., Jarsjö J., Framptom A. 2012. Multiphase flow and interaction dynamics between bentonite clay and fractured crystalline rock, Proceedings, TOUGH Symposium 2012, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, September 17-19, 2012.
- Frampton, A. 2014. Fracture Transmissivity Estimation Using Natural Gradient Flow Measurements in Sparsely Fractured Rock. In Fractured Rock Hydrogeology, 3rd Benchmark IAH (Ed. John M. Sharp): 147-65. Selected Papers. International Association of Hydrogeologists.
- Ko N., Ji S.-H. , Koh Y.-K., Choi J.-W. 2012. Consideration of boreholes in modeling of the regional-scale groundwater flow in a fractured rock, Engineering Geology, 149-150(null), 13–21, doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2012.08.008.
- Kröhn K-P. 2013. Qualifying a computer program for simulating fracture flow. Computing and Visualization in Science: Volume 15, Issue 1, Page 29-37
- Schneider, A. (ed.), 2012. Enhancement of d3f und r3t (E-DuR). Final report, FKZ 02 E 10336 (BMWi), Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, GRS-292.
Papers and reports 2016-2018
Published reports may be found at
- Park DK, Ji S-H, 2018. Numerical simulation of anomalous observations from an in-situ long-term sorption diffusion experiment in a rock matrix. Journal of Hydrology 565, 502-515.
- Poteri A, Andersson P, Nilsson K, Byegård J, Skålberg M, Siitari-Kauppi M, Helariutta K, Voutilainen M, Kekäläinen P, Ikonen J, Sammaljärvi J, Lindberg A, Timonen J, Kuva J, Koskinen L, 2018a. The First Matrix Diffusion Experiment in the Water Phase of the REPRO Project: WPDE 1. Posiva Working Report 2017-23, Eurajoki, Finland.
- Poteri A, Andersson P, Nilsson K, Byegård J, Skålberg M, Siitari-Kauppi M, Helariutta K, Voutilainen M, Kekäläinen P, 2018b. The Second Matrix Diffusion Experiment in the Water Phase of the REPRO Project: WPDE 2. Posiva Working Report 2017-24, Eurajoki, Finland.
- Svensson U, Löfgren M, Trinchero P, Selroos J-O, 2018. Modelling the diffusion-available pore space of an unaltered granitic rock matrix using a micro-DFN approach. Journal of Hydrology 559, 182–191.
- Trinchero P, Molinero J, Deissmann G, Svensson U, Gylling B, Ebrahimi H, Hammond G E, Bosbach D, Puigdomenech I, 2017. Implications of grain-scale mineralogical heterogeneity for radionuclide transport in fractured media. Transport in Porous Media 116, 73–90.
- Kröhn, K.-P, 2017. Characterising groundwater flow in the fractured rock at Äspö, Sweden. Computing and Visualization in Science, Springer, doi: 10.1007/s00791-017-0279-5
- Svensson U, Löfgren M, Trinchero P, Selroos J-O , 2018. Modelling the diffusion-available pore space of an unaltered granitic rock matrix using a micro-DFN approach. Journal of Hydrology, 559 (2018) 182–191.
- Iraola A, Trinchero P, Voutilainen M, Gylling B, Selroos J-O, Molinero J, Svensson U, Bosbach D, Deissmann G, 2017. Microtomography-based Inter-Granular Network for the simulation of radionuclide diffusion and sorption in a granitic rock. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 207(2017) 8–16.
- Kröhn K-P, Lanyon B (editors), 2018. Observations of hydraulic and transport “Skin Effects“, SKB Task Force Workshop Prague 2016, GRS 504.
- Finsterle S, Lanyon B, Åkesson M, Baxter S, Bergström M, Bockgård N, Dershowitz W, Dessirier B, Frampton A, Fransson Å, Gens A, Gylling B, Hančilová I, Holton D, Jarsjö J, Kim J-S, Kröhn K-P, Malmberg D, Pulkkanen V-M, Sawada A, Sjöland A, Svensson U, Vidstrand P, Viswanathan H, 2018. Conceptual uncertainties in modelling the interaction between engineered and natural barriers of nuclear waste repositories in crystalline rock, In: Norris, S., E.A.C. Neeft, and M. Van Geet (eds.): Multiple Roles of Clays in Radioactive Waste Confinement, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 482, doi: 10.1144/SP482.12, 2018.
- Iraola, A., Trinchero, P., Voutilainen, M., Gylling, B., Selroos, J.O., Molinero, J., Svensson, U., Bosbach, D. and Deissmann, G., 2017. Microtomography-based Inter-Granular Network for the simulation of radionuclide diffusion and sorption in a granitic rock. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 207, pp. 8-16.
Papers and reports 2019-2020
Published reports may be found at
- Andersson P, Nilsson K, Löfgren M, 2020. Task description of Task 9C – Modelling of REPRO experiment TDE. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-17-31, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Gylling B, Trinchero P, Soler J, Crawford J, Nilsson K, Lanyon W, Selroos J-O, Poteri A, 2020. SKB Task Force GWFTS: Increasing the Realism of Solute Transport Modelling in Fractured Media, presented at AGU 2020 Fall Meeting,
- Gylling B, Trinchero P, Soler Matamala J, Nilsson K, Lanyon W, Selroos J-O, Poteri A, Koskinen L, 2020. SKB Task Force GWFTS: Increasing the Realism of Solute Transport Modelling in Fractured Media, presented at AGU 2019 Fall Meeting,
- Kröhn K-P, 2020. Checking on the consistency of the ‘two-zone model’ for Task 9B – LTDE-SD. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-20-02, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Löfgren M, Nilsson K, 2019. Task description of Task 9A – Modelling of REPRO experiments WPDE-1 and WPDE-2. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-17-18, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Löfgren M, Nilsson K, 2020. Task description of Task 9B – Modelling of LTDE-SD performed at Äspö HRL. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-17-30, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Meng S, 2020. Solute transport in fractured rocks: Analysis of analytical solutions and determination of transport parameters, PhD thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. ISBN 978-91-7873-412-2,
- Meng S, Moreno L, Neretnieks I, Liu L, 2020. Modelling matrix diffusion in Task 9B – LTDE-SD. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-20-01, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Park DK, Ji S-H, 2020. Corrigendum to “Numerical simulation of anomalous observations from an in-situ long-term sorption diffusion experiment in a rock matrix” [J. Hydrol.565 (2018) 502–515]. Journal of Hydrology 586, 124758.
- Soler J, Neretnieks I, Moreno L, Liu L, Meng S, Svensson U, Trinchero P, Iraola A, Ebrahimi H, Molinero J, Vidstrand P, Deissmann G, Ríha J, Hokr M, Vetešník A, Vopálka D, Gvoždík L, Polák M, Trpkošová D, Havlová V, Park D-K, Ji S-H, Tachi Y, Ito T, 2019. Evaluation and modelling report of Task 9A based on comparisons and analyses of predictive modelling results for the REPRO WPDE experiments. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB R-17-10, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Svensson U, 2020. Task 9B – A grain-scale reactive transport model – concepts and tests. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-20-15, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB
- Svensson U, Trinchero P, Ferry M, Voutilainen M, Gylling B, Selroos J-O, 2019b. Grains, grids and mineral surfaces: approaches to grain scale matrix modelling based on X- ray micro-computed tomography data. SN Applied Sciences 1, 1277. doi:10.1007/s42452-019-1254-1
- Svensson U, Voutilainen M, Muuri E, Ferry M, Gylling B, 2019a. Modelling transport of reactive tracers in a heterogeneous crystalline rock matrix. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 227. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2019.103552
- Trinchero P, Poteri A, Gylling B, Selroos, J-O, 2020. Modelling the Water Phase Diffusion Experiment at Onkalo (Finland): Insights into the effect of channeling on radionuclide transport and retention. Journal of Hydrology 590 (2020),
- Voutilainen M, Kekäläinen P, Poteri A, Siitari-Kauppi M, Helariutta K, Andersson P, Nilsson K, Byegård J, Skålberg M, Yli-Kaila M, Koskinen L, 2019. Comparison of water phase diffusion experiments in laboratory and in situ conditions, Journal of Hydrology 575 (2019), pp 716-729,
Papers and reports 2021-2022
Published reports may be found at
- Byegård J, Crawford J, Moreno L, Neretnieks I, Iraola A, Trinchero P, Helariutta K, Siitari-Kauppi M, Lanyon B, Gylling B, M Soler J M, 2022. Modelling and evaluation report of Task 9C Extension regarding migration of radium and radon in fractured rock. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB R-21-16, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Crawford J, Soler J M, Trinchero P, Hokr M, Havlová V, Vetešník A, Gvoždík L, Milický M, Polák M, Reimitz D, Říha J, Trpkošová D, Višňák J, Vopálka D, Meng S, Moreno L, Liu L, Svensson U, 2022. Evaluation and modelling report of Task 9D regarding safety assessment calculations based on gained knowledge within Task 9. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB R-21-17, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Finsterle S, Lanyon B, 2022. Pragmatic Validation of Numerical Models Used for the Assessment of Radioactive Waste Repositories: A Perspective. Energies 2022, 15, 3585.
- Gustafsson E, Selnert E, Widestrand H, Hansen L, Kronberg M, 2022. Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Long Term Sorption Diffusion Experiment (LTDE-SD). Over-core drilling and extraction of core samples. SKB P-16-12, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Gylling B, Trinchero P, Soler J, Crawford J, Nilsson K, Lanyon W, Selroos J-O, Poteri A, 2022. SKB Task Force GWFTS: Lessons Learned from Modeling Field Tracer Experiments in Finland and Sweden, presented at AGU 2021 Fall Meeting,
- Hokr M, Havlová V, Vetešník A, Gvoždík L, Milický M, Polák M, Reimitz D, Říha J, Trpkošová D, Višňák J, Vopálka D, 2021. Testing of Fracture-Matrix Transport Models Using In-Situ Data and Benchmark Problems. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-20-22, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Kekäläinen P, 2021. Modelling of the long term diffusion and sorption experiment using an analytically solvable model. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB P-21-06, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Lanyon G W, Davy P, Dershowitz W S, Finsterle S, Gylling B, Hyman J D, Neretnieks I, Uchida M, 2021. Pragmatic Validation Approach for Geomechanics, Flow, and Transport Models in Fractured Rock Masses. Paper (DFNE 21-2369) presented at the 3rd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, Virtual, June 2021.
- Soler J M, Kekäläinen P, Pulkkanen V M, Moreno L, Iraola A, Trinchero P, Hokr M, Říha J, Vetešník A, Reimitz D, Višňák J, Vopálka D, Gvoždík L, Milický M, Polák M, Fukatsu Y, Ito T, Tachi Y, Svensson U, Park D K, Ji S-H, Gylling B, Lanyon G W, 2021. Evaluation Report of Task 9C Based on Comparisons and Analyses of Modelling Results for the ONKALO REPRO-TDE Experiment. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB TR-21-09, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Soler J M, Meng S, Moreno L, Neretnieks I, Liu L, Kekäläinen P, Hokr M, Říha J, Vetešník A, Reimitz D, Višňák J, Vopálka D, Kröhn K P, Tachi Y, Ito T, Svensson U, Iraola A, Trinchero P, Voutilainen M, Deissmann G, Bosbach D, Park D K, Ji S-H, Gvoždík L, Milický M, Polák M, Gylling B, Lanyon G W, 2022. Modelling of the LTDE-SD radionuclide diffusion experiment in crystalline rock at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden). Geologica Acta, vol. 20, 2022.
- Soler J M, Meng S, Moreno L, Neretnieks I, Liu L, Kekäläinen P, Hokr M, Říha J, Vetešník A, Reimitz D, Višňák J, Vopálka D, Kröhn K P, Tachi Y, Ito T, Svensson U, Iraola A, Trinchero P, Voutilainen M, Deissmann G, Bosbach D, Park D K, Ji S-H, Gvoždík L, Milický M, Polák M, Makedonska N, Kuluris S, Karra S, Viswanathan H, Gylling B, Lanyon G W, 2021. Evaluation report of Task 9B based on comparisons and analyses of modelling results for the Äspö HRL LTDE SD experiments. Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD. SKB TR-20-17, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Soler J, Neretnieks I, Moreno L, Liu L, Meng S, Svensson U, Iraola A, Ebrahimi H, Trinchero P, Molinero J, Vidstrand P, Deissmann G, Říha J, Hokr M, Vetešník A, Vopálka D, Gvoždík L, Polák M, Trpkošová D, Havlová V, Park D-K, Ji S-H, Tachi Y, Ito T, Gylling B, Lanyon W, 2021. Predictive modeling of a simple field matrix diffusion experiment addressing radionuclide transport in fractured rock. Is it so straightforward?, Nuclear Technology,
- Tachi Y, Ito T, Gylling B, 2021. A scaling approach for retention properties of crystalline rock: Case study of the in-situ long-term sorption and diffusion experiment (LTDE-SD) at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029335.
- Trinchero P, Iraola A, Bruines P, Gylling B, 2021. Water-mineral reactions in a translated single realistic fracture: Consequences for contaminant uptake by matrix diffusion, Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR030442.
- Viswanathan, H S, Ajo-Franklin J, Birkholzer J T, Carey J W, Guglielmi Y, Hyman J D, Karra S, Pyrak-Nolte L J, Rajaram H, Srinivasan G, Tartakovsky D M, 2022. From fluid flow to coupled processes in fractured rock: Recent advances and new frontiers. Reviews of Geophysics, 60, e2021RG000744.
Papers and reports 2023-2024
Published reports may be found at
- Dessirier, B, Sharma, K M, Pedersen, J, Tsang, C-F, & Niemi, A 2023. Channel network modeling of flow and transport in fractured rock at the Äspö HRL: Data-worth analysis for model development, calibration and prediction. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR033816. DOI: 10.1029/2022WR033816
- Godio M, Jacobsson L, 2024. Experimental study on the hydromechanical behaviour of a natural unperturbed fracture under normal loading: Derivation of the equivalent hydraulic aperture and its digital reconstruction. RISE Report 2024:8. ISBN 978-91-89896-49-9.
- Gylling B, Finsterle S, Bruines P, Stigsson M, Marsic N, Selroos J-O, Poteri A, 2023. SKB Task Force GWFTS: Pragmatic Validation Using Predictive Modeling Exercises. Authorea. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.167397464.40579434/v1
- Gylling B, Finsterle S, Bruines P, Stigsson M, Marsic N, Selroos J-O, Poteri A, 2023. SKB Task Force GWFTS: Pragmatic Validation Using A Predictive/Outcome Approach.
- Jacobsson L, Godio M, 2023. Measuring the hydraulic transmissivity of a rock joint under varying normal load. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1124, Rock and Fracture Mechanics in Rock Engineering and Mining 11/09/2022 – 15/09/2022 Helsinki, Finland. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/1124/1/012050
- Lanyon B, Davy P, Dershowitz B, Finsterle S, Gylling B, Hyman J, Neretnieks I, Uchida M, 2024. White Paper essays on model validation. Task 10 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Validation approaches for groundwater flow and transport modelling with discrete features. SKB TR-22-04, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Finsterle S, Hokr M, Balvín A, Jankovec J, Gvoždík L, Hyman J, Viswanathan H, Sweeney M, 2024. Evaluation and modelling report of Task 10.2.1 – Geometric evaluation and prediction of fracture surfaces and aperture distributions. Task 10 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Validation approaches for groundwater flow and transport modelling with discrete features. SKB TR-23-23, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Sawada A, Sakamoto K, Watahiki T, Imai H, 2023. Modelling heterogeneous hydration behavior of bentonite by a FracMan-Thames coupling method for the Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment (BRIE) at Äspö HRL, Task 8 of SKB Task Forces EBS and GWFTS. SKB P-17-06, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Selroos J-O, Gylling B, 2023. How findings from a Multi-Annual International modeling initiative are implemented in a nuclear waste management organization. Energies 2023, 16, 684.
- Soler J M, Kekäläinen P, Pulkkanen V-M, Moreno L, Iraola A, Trinchero P, Hokr M, Říha J, Havlová V, Trpkošová D, Vetešník A, Vopálka D, Gvoždík L, Milický M, Polák M, Fukatsu Y, Ito T, Tachi Y, Svensson U, Park D-K, Ji S-H, Gylling B, Lanyon G W, 2023. Predictive and inverse modeling of a radionuclide diffusion experiment in crystalline rock at ONKALO (Finland), Nuclear Technology, DOI: 10.1080/00295450.2023.22092341
- Trinchero P, Zou L, de La Iglesia M, Iraola A, Bruines P, Deissmann G, 2024. Experimental and numerical analysis of flow through a natural rough fracture subject to normal loading. Sci Rep 14, 5587 (2024).
- Trinchero P, Zou L, Iraola A, 2024. Task 10.2.2 – Modelling flow and flow channelling in a fracture under normal loading. Task 10 of SKB Task Force GWFTS – Validation approaches for groundwater flow and transport modelling with discrete features. SKB R-23-13, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB
Papers and reports 2025-2026
- Gylling B, Trinchero P, Kröhn M, Choi S, Hyman J, Wang T-T, Jankovec J, Frampton A, Stock B, Hokr M, Pulkkanen V-M, Finsterle S, 2025. SKB Task Force GWFTS: Pragmatic Validation of Models for Flow and Transport in Fractures. DOI: 10.22541/essoar.173687388.86367600/v1
- Stock, B., Frampton, A., 2025. Analysis and Generation of Rough-Surfaced Fractures with Variable Aperture Based on Self-Affine Methods Using Surface Scan Measurements. Rock Mech Rock Eng.