Task Force GWFTS modelling tasks

The work within the SKB Task Force GWFTS is performed within a framework of well-defined and focused Modelling Tasks. These are tied to experiments at Äspö HRL or another laboratory that can provide suitable data for modelling tasks.

Task 1 - The LPT2 experiments, evaluation modelling

Task 2 - Äspö field tracer experiments, design modelling

Task 3 - The Äspö tunnel experiment, predictive/evaluation modelling

Task 4 - Tracer Retention and Understanding Experiments - TRUE-1, predictive modelling

Task 5 - Integration of hydrogeology and hydrochemistry

Task 6 - Performance Assessment Modelling Using Site Characterisation Data (PASC)

Task 7 - Long-term pumping test at Olkilouto

Task 8 - Modelling of the Bentonite Rock Interaction Experiment, BRIE

Task 9 - Modelling REPRO, and LTDE-SD

Task 10 - Validation approaches for models with discrete features

Last review: October 6, 2022