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4th BELBaR Annual Workshop
Clay Colloids in Aqueous Systems
3-4 February 2016, Berlin, Germany
Venue: Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin
February 3
Time | Event |
08.30 | Registration |
09.00 | Welcome and overview – Patrik Sellin |
09.20 | Mechanisms of erosion – Tiziana Missana |
10.00 | Colloid mobility – Thorsten Schäfer |
10.40 | Coffee break |
11.00 | Colloid Formation and stability – Radek Cervinka |
11.40 | Modelling of erosion and transport – Patrik Sellin |
12.20 | Treatment of colloids in a safety case – Amy Shelton |
12.50 | Lunch (at the conference premises, hosted by the project) |
14.00 | Flow of Clays – Jon Otto Fossum |
14.45 | Back to the project on inorganic colloidal particles in Lake Brienz (Switzerland) ten years after – Montserrat Filella |
15.30 | Coffee break |
16.00-16.20 | Benchmarking Exercise of Clay Erosion in Artificial Fracture Tests – Tim Schatz |
16:25-16:40 | Size of Clay Platelets, pH and Temperature Matter – Mo Segad |
16:45-17:05 | Understanding the mechanisms of chemical erosion of bentonite- need for a holistic approach, Nuria Marcos |
17:30 | Poster session, A buffet dinner will be served during the poster session. |
February 4
Title | By | Poster |
Generation and stability of bentonite colloids | Valtteri Suorsa, Pirkko Hölttä | Download |
Monitoring free swelling of MX80 bentonite in a narrow channel using X-ray imaging | Tero Harjupatana, Joni Lämsä, Jarno Alaraudanjoki and Markku Kataja | Download |
Build-up of Accessory Mineral Layers During Erosion of Buffer Material | Tim Schatz | Download |
Modelling the impact of fracture geometry on bentonite erosion | F.M. Huber, D. Leone, M. Trumm, A. Wenka, I. Neretnieks, L. Moreno and T. Schäfer | Download |
Geomicrobiological aspects of clay colloids – Culturable microorganisms | Pavel Špaček | Download |
A novel density functional theory modeling on swelling bentonite: Interaction forces and ion exchange | Guomin Yang, Ivars Neretnieks, Susanna Wold | Download |
A Large Deformation Model with Strong Chemical-Mechanical Coupling for Bentonite to Assess the Bentonite Buffer Behaviour in Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal Conditions | Veli-Matti Pulkkanen, Markus Olin | Download |
Colloidal particle detachment of bentonites | Kaufhold S, Dohrmann R | Download |
Microstructure of Bentonite and Dilute Water Erosion | Michal Matusewicz, Veli-Matti Pulkkanen, Markus Olin | Download |
Do Montmorillonite Particles form Gels in Aqueous Suspensions? | Rasmus Erikssona, Sanna Haavisto | Download |
Montmorillonite colloid size heterogeneity effects on: i. Stability, ii. Radionuclides sorption iii. Sorption reversibility | K. K. Norrfors, M. Bouby, R. Marsac, S. Wold, N. Finck, J. Lützenkirchen, T. Schäfer | Download |
Bentonite erosion experiments under dynamic conditions | M. Bouby, S. Heck, F. Geyer, S. Hilpp, T. Schäfer | Download |
Influence of organic matter (fulvic acids, FA) on the (long term) stability of clay colloids prepared under different chemical conditions | M. Bouby, Y. Heyrich, S. Heck, S. Hilpp, T. Schäfer | Download |
Smectite free swelling and erosion in artificial fractures | Emelie Ekvy Hansen, Ulf Nilsson, Magnus Hedström | Download |
Rheology measurements on smectite clay gels | Ulf Nilsson, Magnus Hedström | Download |
Neptunium(v) sorption onto montmorillonite and bentonite colloids and the influence of colloids on np(v) transport | Outi Elo, Nina Huittinen and Pirkko Hölttä | Download |
Comparison of the stability behavior of colloids obtained from different raw bentonites and clayey materials of interest in the frame of high-level waste repositories | Tiziana Missana, Ursula Alonso, Anamaría Fernandez, Trinidad López | Download |
Effects of bentonite colloids on the radionuclide migration in granitic rock | Pirkko Hölttä, Valtteri Suorsa, Outi Elo, Elina Honkaniemiand Suvi Niemiaho | Download |
Influence of physico-chemical, crystallochemical and compositional properties of clay minerals on erosion processes | A.Mª. Fernández, Ursula Alonso, Tiziana Missana | Download |
The surface properties and Cs adsorption of natural and acid-modified montmorillonites | Victoria Krupskaya, Sergey Zakusin, Olga Dorzhieva, Michail Chernov, EkaterinaTyupina | Download |
Comparison of erosion behaviour of different clays | Ursula Alonso, Tiziana Missana, Ana María Fernández, Miguel García-Gutiérrez | Download |
3rd BELBaR Annual Workshop
Registration Form (word) Abstract template (word) The EC project BELBaR (Bentonite Erosion: effects on the Long term performance of the engineered Barrier and Radionuclide Transport) is arranging an open workshop at CIEMAT (Avenida Complutense 40 - 28040 Madrid, SPAIN) ( on 5-6 …
Published: 29 January 2015
2nd BELBaR Annual Workshop
Registration Form (word) The EC project BELBaR (Bentonite Erosion: effects on the Long term performance of the engineered Barrier and Radionuclide Transport) is arranging an open workshop at the "Parkhotel du Sauvage" Hotel in Meiringen (CH) June 16th - 18th, 2014. The aim of the workshop is Dissemi…
Published: 13 December 2012